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​What's the weather like there?​

The weather varies from awesome to really crappy. Like most places we have four seasons. Sometimes it rains.


Do you have the time?

I do have the time. If I'm sitting in front of the computer, I generally use that to tell the time. Sometimes, when I'm heating a donut (I love donuts by the way) I'll use the microwave to tell the time, but mostly I just use my phone.


How'd you get so awesome?

Well, that's an easy one. Donuts. Yep, donuts made me so awesome.



What's your favourite type of donut?

Oh, you! How can you make me choose like that. I love them all, but just to be sure I circulate my way through the menu.



Wouldn't it be nice to win a million?

Now that's the dumbest question EVER! Of course it would. Wouldn't it?


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